Utopian World Championship


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“Human DNA has been fully mapped and now it is just a matter of determining what each gene does so that we can manipulate the same to stop illness, increase intelligence, etc. Princeton University scientists have already genetically enhanced the intelligence of mice. Aged brains have been restored to youthful vigor in a gene therapy experiment with monkeys. Scientists have recently created a new life form in the laboratory by creating a new genetic pattern of a simple organism. Cloning capabilities are increasing. Computing capabilities are going ballistic, and artificial intelligence seems to be on the horizon. With robots, machines, computers, and other technologies beyond our current knowledge such as nanotechnology, we can have unlimited production capabilities. With genetic engineering, chemical manipulation, and future technologies we can enhance the mental state of existence”

All of the above are also known widely and perhaps are not new on the global message board; however just consider each one of the listed scientific advances and you would concur that each has as its concern betterment of human self rather than preservation of the same. From here on, I am free to imagine that the robots that I might develop may in someway overpower me and humanity in subjugation-but then can you fetter my imagination? No imagination cannot be fettered however if imagination is a miscalculated nightmare than we can at least ask ourselves if it is based in reality, even in small measures. Let us continue with robotics itself; we are still using robots at very basic levels- that is in assembly lines, on unmanned space missions etc and have not been able to develop any significant independent artificial intelligence with in them. To have a ‘nightmare” that such robots can overtake the humanity is at best doing a hurried and ill formed preemption; though an artistic rendering may serve well for entertainment. This scenario also discounts the fact that along with advancement of this nature human wisdom would have strategized adequately and taken all possible precautions to prevent an ill fated eventuality of that sort-behind that would be greed; the greed not to loose control and remain in control .This is the moot and most focused agenda of this project report viz. how to strategize and strategize with wisdom our future actions so that we remain eternally preserved with maximum possible material and immaterial (mental) health and I can say with confidence that in this effort human greed factor would help us along every second of the effort. If you do disagree-just ask yourself a simple question-why are we asking for a “better” world? Can there be a UTOPIA that is universally bad for all and which may mean a downgraded life from the levels we do enjoy as of date? Some literatures do talk of such a “bad UTOPIA” however only as an intermediary stage to a “better world”.


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