Utopian World Championship

Armando Ernesto Alferez: Utopia5:The rescue and re-making of humankind through a Social-Market system

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We make sure; we create a nation of winners and mateship and not a nation of selfishness and losers. The actual economic and social system promises a lot of things but does not deliver, it should be the government's responsibility that every member of society has the means to achieve personal and collective goals. Things like "economic discrimination", "educational discrimination", "physical discrimination" and others used to justify power and subjugate populations will be abolished. The system will not promote things that will discriminate nor that violates anybody human rights. Unlike the actual system that only gives to those who master the things considered important by the people in power or the "apparent" majority. Meanwhile, the rest of the populations are in disadvantage, since their qualities might not be recognised as important. In addition, when these individuals try to strive for something better there are restrictions through economic discrimination, racism, gender and others. In order to improve the actual system all these issues have to be addressed and positive situations of the actual system have to be maintained. Such as tolerance, healthy competition, enjoyment of material things with moderation, system of improvement, task oriented and all those things that lead to improvement and that don't violate the rights of others. The aim here is to improve social conditions equally among all humans, as an incentive to accomplish goals. This system will make sure that every body equally enjoy favourable conditions since all humans are of equal value and full of potential.

Any person regardless of skin colour, shape, or any other physical, speech or any other difference is a human as well and deserves reciprocal treatment. In other words every one of the citizens has an equal value in front of the eyes of the law. In order to justify this it is necessary to establish a new way for the government to visualise citizens. For instance, through the taxation system, every citizen becomes a shareholder of the country and the government will be the management in charge of creating wealth and security for every one of the citizens. In this sense every citizen has taxes working for them and the common good. Nevertheless, it is impossible to say that every body will have the same amount of income or money due to the difference on effort, ideas marketed, original amount of resources or the extent of their ambition. Consequently, economic disparity seems to be a given. The danger with economic disparity is that creates difference in power, for which equality must be establish through a bill of rights. These rights will make sure that such difference will not affect the value of each citizen in society nor will allow damaging power relationships to be established. These changes are suggestions to help solve the problems that the actual system faces and creates such as inequality among citizens, the need of survival of the fittest and the consequences that it brings. The urgency to improve the system comes due to the overwhelming problems that humans are facing now and that will face in the future if such chaotic system continues.


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